Monday, February 6, 2012

Country Strong

This weekend I watched Country Strong. Country Strong is about a country singer who had an acohol and drug addiction and she wasn't able to finish her tour. She also was pregnant at the time and lost her kid due to the addiction. A year later her husband which is also her producer and manager has reschedule the towns of the tour that she missed when she hasn't yet been cleared from the rehab center. In exchange for her to go on tour the hospital has sent Beau who is her care person through out her rehab process. Beau also singings on the tour.

This movie is written and directed by Shana Feste. The main actors are Gwynenth Paltrow (Kelly Canter), Tim McGraw (James Canter), Garrett Hedlund (Beau Hutton),  and Leighton Meester (Chiles Stanton). If you have not seen this movie it is a must but if you don't like country music you may not like it as much as others. PS there is a big ending which I do not like at all so go and watch it.


  1. I wanted to see this movie so bad in theaters.

  2. I've never seen this movie, but I've heard from several people that it's a good one.

  3. I still need to watch this! :) I'm a Tim McGraw junkie!

  4. Yeah McGraw is pretty good love him and his wife.
    It probably would of been better in theaters to.

  5. I really wanted to see this movie, but then someone told me the ending and now I'm not so sure...

  6. Yeah the ending is upsetting but you still need to watch it.
